Please contact Sheri Lynn for access to any piece,
for events or speaking engagements and to connect regarding publications or upcoming projects.
Thank you.
Paula Curici invited me to WRHU for an interview - here is a rough recording of it's initial airing on 11/17/2022 where a few poetry pieces were also shared.
I am very grateful for this incredible opportunity!
Paula Curici invited me to WRHU to guest cohost on her program "Poems From People Like You: Hero Themed Poems" - here is a rough recording of it's initial airing on 12/15/2022
The Long-Islander paper founded by Walt Whitman in 1838 with the Walt’s Corner column curated by George Wallace since 1988, published my piece “She Persists”! I am deeply honored and grateful to be included in our writing community in this way, in this history, in this moment.
Both of these poems appeared in Walt's Corner in 2022 and 2023.
Thank you George Wallace!!
This piece was prepared for HS reunion:
Long Island Fair - 2021
At Old Bethpage
Theme: Long Island Garden's
" R h y t h m s "
Third Place
The Nassau County Poet Laureate Society
Awarded Perspective
Honorable Mention
in 2019
Published in NCPLS Anthology #7
Long Island Literary Arts
Theme: Grandma's Garden
"The Secret Weapon"
Third Place
Also published in the 2022 Long Island Authors Group Anthology
TNSPS and The 911 Memorial Artist Registry
windows - before
Presented in 2019
Silence was my first art piece ever published
selected by the Long Island Writer's Guild
magazine "The Odyssey" 2018