Thank you to the many publications and organizations, family, friends and writing community for supporting and encouraging this artistic journey!​
Ms. Magazine
Chicken Soup for The Soul
The Long-Islander: Walt's Corner
Poetrybay: Long Island Quarterly
The Long Island Writers Guild (LIWG)
The Long Island Poetry Collective (LIPC)
The Nassau County Poet Laureate Society (NCPLS)
The Performance Poets Association (PPA)
Poets in Nassau (PIN)
Long Island Literary Arts (LILA) - Princess Ronkonkoma
Bard's and Local Gems Press
The Long Island Author's Group (LIAG)
The North Sea Poetry Scene Press (TNSPS)
Long Island Fair at Old Bethpage
Wyde Syde Press
911 Memorial Museum
Write By The Rails
The Poetry Society of Virginia
The Virginia Writer's Club
Paumanok Transition
Dream Believe Publish - Deborah Sevilla